Department Information
Department Name: Botany
Year of Establishment U.G. : June 1982
P.G: June 1989
Name of Programmes: B.Sc., M.Sc.
Name of the Teaching Staff
Sr.No. | Name | Qualification | Designation | Experience | Specialization |
01 | Dr. M. R. Ujjainkar (Retired-2018) | M.Sc. Ph.D. Botany | Associate Professor | 37 years. | Mycology |
02 | Dr. Mathew Varghese (Retired–2021) | M.Sc. Ph.D. Botany | Associate Professor | 32 years. | Angiosperm |
03 | Dr. B. D. Garud (Retired–2021) | M.Sc. Ph.D. Botany | Professor | 32 years. | Angiosperm |
04 | Dr. Neelima H. Patil (Retired–2022) | M.Sc. Ph.D. Botany | Professor | 34 years. | Algology |
05 | Dr. V. N. Rathod (Joined–2011- Till Date) | M.Sc. Ph.D. Botany | Associate Professor | 13 years. | Pteridophytes & Angiosperm |
06 | Prof. S. N. Patil (2019- Till date) | M.Sc. SET, NET-JRF, GATE Botany | Assistant Professor | 05 years. | Cytogenetics & Plant Breeding. |
07 | Prof. P. S. Shinde (2019- Till date) | M.Sc. SET, NET, Botany | Assistant Professor | 05 years. | Mycology |
C. H. B. (2018-2023) | |||||
01 | Miss. Kirti H. Patil. (2018-2019) | M.Sc. Botany | Assistant Professor | 01 | Algology |
02 | Mrs. Nilima J.Patil (2018-2019) | M.Sc. Botany & M.Sc. Evs. | Assistant Professor | 01 | Algology |
03 | Mr. H.B.Rathod (2018-2019) | M.Sc. Botany | Assistant Professor | 01 | Mycology |
04 | Mr. A. S. Hire (2021-2022) | M.Sc. SET, Botany | Assistant Professor | 01 | Angiosperm |
05 | Dr.. Nilima J. .Patil (2018-2019) | M.Sc. Botany& Evs. | Assistant Professor | 01 | Algology |
06 | Mr. A.S.Hire (2021-2022) | M.Sc. SET, Botany | Assistant Professor | 01 | Angiosperm |
07 | Miss. Sonali S. Rathoure (2022-2023) | M.Sc. SET, NET Botany | Assistant Professor | 01 | Mycology |
08 | Dr.. Nilima J.Patil (2022-2023) | M.Sc. Ph.D. & M.Sc. Evs. | Assistant Professor | 01 | Algology |
09 | Mr. A.S.Hire (2022-2023) | M.Sc. SET, Botany | Assistant Professor | 01 | Angiosperm |
10 | Dr.. Nilima J.Patil (2022-2023) | M.Sc. Ph.D. & M.Sc. Evs. | Assistant Professor | 01 | Algology |
11 | Mr. A.S.Hire (2022-2023) | M.Sc. SET, Botany | Assistant Professor | 01 | Angiosperm |
12 | Mr. V. C.Patil (2022-2023) | M.Sc. SET, Biotechnology | Assistant Professor | 01 | Plant Biotechnology |
13 | Mrs. S.P.Shinde (2022-2023) | M.Sc. SET, Botany | Assistant Professor | 01 | Plant Physiology |
14 | Dr. R.M.Patil (2022-2023) | M.Sc. Botany | Assistant Professor | 01 | Algology |
Non-teaching /Technical staff:
Name | Qualification | Designation |
Dr. Pravin S.Mahale. | B.A. DHMS | Lab. Assistant |
Mr. Pandit Joshi. | B.A. | Peon |
Mr. Pundlik Patil | B.A. | Peon |
Mr. V.C. Borse |
Peon |
Research Activities:
Book / Article published: 2018-2023
1. | Assessment of water quality from Chankapur dam of Kalwan Tahsil Nasik Dist. Of Maharashtra. 2018.3(1) : 92-94. | International Journal of Botany studies. | 2455-541X | Patil Neelima and Saner Manisha. | International |
2 | Some Cyanophycean members from soil polluted by sugar factory west from Sangamner Tahsil, Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. | 2018. International journal of Botany studies 3(3):46-47. | 2455-541X | Patil Neelima and Taramati Satpute | International |
3 | Some fresh water Diatom from Taloda, Nandurbar. | 2019 International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research.8 (3):1-4 | 2278-7844 | Patil Nilima and Patil Neelima | International |
4 | Diatoms of order Pennales from Nandurbar District. | 2019. Ajanta VIII (1): 87-92 | 2277-5730 | Patil Nilima and Patil Neelima | National |
5 | Diversity of Pediastrum in Khairbanda dam, Khalbanda Dist. Gondia Maharashtra, India. | 2019. Ajanta Journal. VIII(1) : 97-103 | 2277-5730 | Patil Neelima & Vijeta Bansod | National |
6 | A Contribution to Endangered Species of Flowering Plants from Satpuda Mountains of North Maharashtra, India. | 2020- Gorteria Journal, 33(12), 465-471. | 0017-2294 | Garud B.D. & Pratik Shinde | International |
7 | Some Oedogonium form Tapi River, Nandurbar district, Maharashtra. | 2021- Gorteria.34(2): 159-164. | 0017-2294 | Patil Neelima and Chhotulal Patil | International |
8 | Occurrence of Chlorophyceae Members on the Soil Polluted by Sugar Factory Waste in Sangamner Tahsil of Ahmednagar Dist. Maharashtra. | 2021- Gorteria. 34(I):339-347 | 0017-2294 | Patil Neelima and Taramati Satpute | International |
9 | Diversity of Genus Scenedeesmus from Kalwan tahsil, Nasik district (M. S.) India. | 2021-Gorteria. 34(I):147-157. | 0017-2294 | Patil Neelima and Saner Manisha. | International |
10 | Physico-Chemical analysis of Markand PimpariLake of Kalwan, Nasik district, Maharashtra (India). | 2021-Gorteria. 34(I):139-146. | 0017-2294 | Saner Manisha andPatil Neelima | International |
11 | Some diatoms from Nandurbar district. | 2020- Gorteria.33 (12):221-226. | 0017-2294 | Patil Nilima and Patil Neelima | International |
12 | Endemic species of flowering plants of peninsular India occur in Satpuda mountain ranges of Nandurbar and Dhule Districs, Maharashtra, India with special reference to family Poaceae. | 2021- AAYUSHI INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH JOURNAL (AIIRJ) Spl. Issu: 165-169 | 2349-638X | Pratik Shinde, Dinu Mathew, Vitthal Rathod, Samadhan Patil, Paratik S, Shinde | State. |
13 | Endemic species of flowering plants of peninsular india occur in satpuda mountain ranges of nandurbar and dhule districs, maharashtra, india with special reference to family fabaceae. | 2021-Gorteria. 34(I):147-157. | 0017-2294 | Garud B.D. | State. |
14 | Endemic species of flowering plants of peninsular india occur in satpuda mountain ranges of nandurbar and dhule districs, maharashtra, india with special reference to family asteraceae and orchidaceae. | 2021-Gorteria. 34(I):147-157. | 0017-2294 | Garud B.D. | State. |
15 | Endemic species of flowering plants of peninsular india occur in satpuda mountain ranges of nandurbar and dhule districs, maharashtra, india with special reference to family acanthaceae. | 2021-Gorteria. 34(I):Vol-34, Issue1 | 0017-2294 | Garud B.D. | International |
16 | Ethno botanical Studies of Medicinal Plants Used by Traditional users to treat urinary diseases in Peth Tal of Nashik District Maharashtra India | IJRA (International Journal of Research and analytical review) Jan-2021 | 2348-1269 | Garud B.D. | National |
17 | A contribution to endangered species of flowering plants from Satpuda mountains of north Maharashtra, India | 2020. Gorteria. Vol-33, Issue12, pp -465-470 | 0017-2294 | Garud B.D. & Paratik S, Shinde | International |
18 | Critically endangered species from satpuda mountain ranges in Nandurbar and Dhule districs of Maharashtra. | Vol-33, Issue12, 2020 pp -460-464 | 0017-2294 | Garud B.D. & Dinu Mathew | International |
19 | A note on the genus Lygodium in Sahyadri Hills of Sindhudurg Dist. Maharashtra, India. | 2019-Ajanta Journal Vol.8,1. 11-13 | 2277- 5730 | Rathod V. N. And Dinu Mathew | National |
20 | A Contribution to the Floral Elements of Satpuda Mountain Ranges in Dhule and Nandurbar Dist. of Maharashtra State, India | 2019-Ajanta Journal Vol.8,1. 01-06 | 2277- 5730 | Garud B.D., Dinu Mathew and Rathod V.N. | National |
21 | On the occurrence of Bolbitis preslina (Fee) Ching in Hiranyakeshi Hills, Amboli, Sahyadri hills, Western Ghats, Maharashtra state, India. | 2019 Review of research 1, 2. 77-79 | 2643- 1564 | Rathod V.N. and Govind H. Balde | National |
22 | Study on Glucose and lactic acid production in sheep nematodes from Nandurbar (M.S.), India. | 2019 International journal of life science Special Issue A 13 289-291 | 2320- 7817 | Govind H. Balde, V.N. Rathod, V. D. Shinde and B.B. Mangale | National |
23 | Taxonomic Notes on Some Ferns from Toranmal Hills, Nandurbar District, Maharashtra State, India. | 2020, Bioinfolet journal 17., 1B 177- 179 | 097-1431 | Rathod V. N., Pratik S. Shinde, Samadhan N. Patil and Mathew Dinu. | National |
24 | ‘Taxonomic Notes n Cheilanthus Genus from Toranmal Hills, Nandurbar District, Maharashtra State, India. | International journal of life science 2021 Special Issue A 16, 103-105 | 2320- 7817 | Vitthal N. Rathod | International |
25 | “Biodiversity of Some Fern Species in Toranmal Hills, Nandurbar District, Maharashtra, India. | 2021 Journal of research & Development, A Multidisciplinary International Level 11, 24. 129-131 | 2230-9578 | Vitthal N. Rathod, Pratik S. Shinde | International |
26 | Aerobiological study with special reference to Arachis Hypogaea L. Crop- review. | 2021 Gorteria Journal, 35(1), 75-84. | 0017-2294 | Vilas Patil, Pratik Shinde, Avinash Ade | International |
27 | Introductory Plants Checklist of Dhule Tehsil, Maharashtra” | 2022 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts 10, 01, to c-92 | 2320-2882 | Akash Hire* and Kunal khairnar. | International |
28 | Statistical Analysis of Some Fern Species in Western Ghats, Sahyadri Hills, Maharashtra, India. | 2022 Indian fern Journal 39,1 86-92 | 0970-2741 | Vitthal N. Rathod. | International |
29 | An Overview of Blur Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) as a used of Biofertilizer | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts 2022, 10,07 17 to 20 | 2320-2882 | A. S. Hire, L. P. Deshmukh | International |
30 | Diversity of Some Fern Species in Hiranykeshi River, Sahyadri Hills, Weastern Ghats, Amboli, Maharshtra State, India. | 2022 International Journal of Current Science 12, 1 299-299. | 2250-1770 | Vitthal N. Rathod, Navalsingh J. Todawat & Prakash B. Jadhwar | National |
31 | Some Ethno Veterinary Medicinal Plants Used by Tribals of Toranmal Region of Satpuda, Nandurbar District, Maharashtra, India. (Part-1) | 2022 International Journal of Current Science 12, 1, 358-363 | 2250-1770 | Vitthal N. Rathod, Navalsingh J. Todawat & Prakash B. Jadhwar | National |
32 | Occurrence of Algal Flora at Waterbodies from Bhokardan Region of Jalna (M.S.) India | 2022 International Journal of Current Science 12, 1 355-357 | 2250-1770 | Vitthal N. Rathod, Navalsingh J. Todawat & Prakash B. Jadhwar | National |
33 | Note on the Lygodium genus – a clibing fern species in Sahyadri hills, Western ghats, Sindhudurg district, Maharashtra state, India | 2023 Gorteria Journal 35, 7 117 | 0017-2294 | Vitthal N. Rathod, Pratik S. Shinde, Samadhan N. Patil | International |
34 | Ethno-Veterinary Use of Some Medicinal Plants by Tribal People in Toranmal Region of Nandurbar District (Mh.) | Zeichen Journal 2022 Volume 8 Issue 12 | 0932-4747 | Vitthal N. Rathod, Samadhan N. Patil, Pratik S. Shinde, Akash S. Hire | International |
35 | Occurrence of ferns on Toranmal hills, Nandurbar (M.S.) | 2023 Bioinfolet Journal 20, 2 | 097-1431 | Vitthal N. Rathod and Navalsingh J. Todawat, | International |
36 | Plants of religious importance for tribal people in satpuda region mahatashtra, india. | 2023-Dogo Rangsang Research Journal’ Volume-13,Issue-5 | 2347-7180 | Vitthal N. Rathod, Samadhan N. Patil and Akash S. Hire. | International |
37 | A Distributional record of Bolbitis aapendiculata (Wilid) iwats. from Bhimashankar wildlife sanctuary, Maharashtra, India. | 2023 Bioinfolet Journal 20,(3b) 587-589 | 097-1431 | Vitthal N. Rathod | International |
38 | Survey of Some Medicinal Plants In Toranmal Forest, Traditionally Used By Tribes of Nandurbar District, Maharashtra States | 2023 Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology Volume XV, Issue 12 | 1006-7930 | Sarita P. Shinde and Vitthal. N. Rathod | International |
39 | A Brief Review On Nutritional Diversity In Pearl Millet Varieties | 2023, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 11 | 2320-2882 | S.N. Patil1, & L. P. Deshmukh | International |
01 | Plant Metabolism SEM –IV, Bot.402 (Feb-2020) | Nirali Prakashan, Pune. | 978-93-89825-99-2 | COAUTHORS- Prof. Neelima H.Patil | STATE |
02 | Practical Course in Botany SEM –IV, Bot.402 (Feb-2020) | Nirali Prakashan, Pune. | 978-93-89944-09-9 | COAUTHORS- Prof. Neelima H.Patil | STATE |
03 | Practical Course in Botany (Feb-2020) | Nirali Prakashan, Pune. | ISBN978-93-89944-09-9 | COAUTHORS -Prof. B.D. Garud | STATE |
04 | Text Book of Plant Embryology (Feb-2020) | Nirali Prakashan, Pune. | ISBN978-93-89852-96-1 | COAUTHORS -Prof. B.D. Garud | STATE |
05 | सातपुड्यातील पारंपारिक वनौषधी Traditional medicinal Plants of Satpuda(2019). Reference Book | Forest Department Maharashtra | —– | Contribution in Photography | NATIONAL |
06 | TYBSc Sem VI, Bot 606 (B): Plant Breeding- 2021 | Prashant Publication, Jalgaon | 978-93-90862-15-3 | COAUTHORS Dr. V.N.Rathod | STATE |
07 | Article published in book- Environmental Problems: Causes and Solutions- 2021 | ‘REVIEW ON MAJOR CONTEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENTS IN CONTEXT WITH INDIA’ BY | v 9781369043583. | COAUTHORS Dr. V.N.Rathod | National |
08 | Some Ethno Veterinary Medicinal Plants Used By Tribes From Fulambri Region Of Aurangabad, Maharshtra, India | National conference ‘Vishwanath Summit- 2021’- | v 978-81-954270-3-1. | AUTHORS | National |
09 | v Bot-101: Diversity of Lower Cryptogams. | Nirali Prakashan, Pune. Oct.2022 | 978-93-5451-793-8 | Co-authors – Vitthal Rathod, Pratik Shinde, Samadhan Patil & Akash S. Hire. | STATE |
10 | Bot-102: Morphology of Angiosperm | Nirali Prakashan, Pune. Oct.2022 | 978-93-5451-792-1 | Co-authors – Vitthal Rathod, Pratik Shinde, Samadhan Patil & Akash S. Hire. | STATE |
11 | Bot-201: Diversity of Higher Cryptogams. | Nirali Prakashan, Pune. March-2023 | 978-93-95951-79-1 | Co-authors – Vitthal Rathod, Pratik Shinde, Samadhan Patil & Akash S. Hire. | STATE |
12 | Bot-202: Systematics of Angiosperm. | Nirali Prakashan, Pune. March-2023 | 978-93-95951-77-7 | Co-authors – Vitthal Rathod, Pratik Shinde, Samadhan Patil & Akash S. Hire. | STATE |
13 | Bot-203: Practical Botany Book | Nirali Prakashan, Pune. March-2023 | 978-81-19115-05-1 | Co-authors – Vitthal Rathod, Pratik Shinde, Samadhan Patil & Akash S. Hire. | STATE |
14 | Journal Reviewer- International Journal of Plant and Environment (IJPE) 16/03/2021 | Potential reviewer of the An Official Publication of International Society of international Botanist (ISEB), CSIR- National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, U.P. India | NATIONAL | ||
15 | Article published in book- Recent Trends in Biological Science – 2022 | Diversity of Some Fern Species in Laling Forest, Dhule District, Maharashtra, India. | 978-93-92239-25-0. | Author | NATIONAL |
University Rank Holders
Miss. Bharti Yuvraj Patil-2021 | Gold Medal – University Rank Holders |
Awards/ Patent received by:
Prof. Dr. Neelima H. Patil | Shikhar Puraskar – 2021 |
Dr. Vitthal N. Rathod | Young Researcher Proficiency Award-2022 |
Patent: (June-2023) Dr. Vitthal N. Rathod | Published by- Govt. of India- On topic- Herbal Oil Extraction Method Use Chemical |
Staff participation in FDP/RC/OC :
Name of the Teachers. | FDP/RC/OC | Duration | Place/ University. |
Dr. Vitthal N. Rathod | OC | v 11th Nov.2013 to 11th Dec. 2013. | v Lucknow University, Lucknow. |
OC | 20th Oct. to 3rd Nov. 2014 | NSS Empanelled Training Institute A.nagar College, Ahamadnagar. | |
RC | 10th Nov. 2014 – 30th Nov. 2014. | conducted by JET’s Zulal Bhilajirao Patil College, Dhule. Organised in Savitribai Phule University Pune, Pune. | |
RC | 20th – 06th May 2020 | Ministry of HRD, Pandit Madam Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, Ramanujan College, Delhi. | |
RC | 10th Oct.– 24th .2019. | conducted by B. K. Birla College, Kalyan (Mumbai). Organised in UGC- HRDC, University of Mumbai, Mumbai. | |
RC/ Short Term | 02nd Feb. To 07th Feb. 2020. | conducted by the Zulal Bhilajirao Patil College, Dhule. Organised in Savitribai Phule University Pune, Pune. | |
RC | 01st Sept. To 15th Sept. 2021. | v Organised by Dept. Of Chemistry, Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, Ministry of Education, Pandit Madam Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, University of Delhi, Delhi. | |
15th Dec. 2023 to 29th Dec.2023. | v Malviya Mission teacher Traning Programmee (MM-TTP) of UGC organised by UGC Malviya Mission teacher and Savitribai Phule pune university, Pune. | ||
Prof. Samadhan N. Patil | OC | 20th – 06th May 2020 | Ministry of HRD, Pandit Madam Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, Ramanujan College, Delhi. |
RC | |||
01st Sept. To 15th Sept. 2021. | v Organised by Dept. Of Chemistry, Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, Ministry of Education, Pandit Madam Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, University of Delhi, Delhi. | ||
RC | 15th Dec. 2023 to 29th Dec.2023. | Malviya Mission teacher Traning Programmee (MM-TTP) of UGC organised by UGC Malviya Mission teacher and Savitribai Phule pune university, Pune. | |
Prof. Pratik S. Shinde | OC | 20th – 06th May 2020 | Ministry of HRD, Pandit Madam Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, Ramanujan College, Delhi. |
RC | 01st Sept. To 15th Sept. 2021. | v Organised by Dept. Of Chemistry, Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, Ministry of Education, Pandit Madam Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, University of Delhi, Delhi. | |
RC | 15th Dec. 2023 to 29th Dec.2023. | Malviya Mission teacher Traning Programmee (MM-TTP) of UGC organised by UGC Malviya Mission teacher and Savitribai Phule pune university, Pune. | |
RC/ FDP | 11th to 17 May 20200 | ICT Skill – JET’s Zulal Bhilajirap Patil College, College. Dhule. |
Results: (Last five years Final Years Students -B.Sc:
Year | TYBSc-2018-2023 | Result % |
2018-2019 | 82.35% | |
2019-2020 | 76.92% | |
2020-2021 | 95.45% | |
2021-2022 | 100% | |
2022-2023 | 92.85% |
Student Progression (Last Five Years):
Class / Year | Admitted Students | Students Progress. |
TYBSc-2019-20. | 11 | 04 |
TYBSc-2021-22 | 14 | 08 |
TYBSc-2022-23 | 12 | 06 |
Certificate courses:
Class / Year | Admitted Students |
TYBSc-2020-2021 | 20 |
TYBSc-2021-2022 | 20 |
TYBSc-2022-2023 | 14 |
Number of Books /Journals of the subject:
No of reference books | 53146 |
No. of Journals | 8 Journals |
No of e-journals | NLIST INFLIBNET |
No. of encyclopedia | 10 |