
Department Information

Department Name: Geography

Year of Establishment : UG: 1982                    PG: 2010

Name of Programmes: B. A/ B. Com/B.Sc./M. A/M. Com/M.Sc./B.B. A/B.C. A/B.M. S/M.B.M. 

B.A. /B.Sc. Programme          –   1982

M.A./M.Sc Programme           –   2010

M.Phil. Programme                –   2006

Ph.D programme                     –   2004

Name of Teaching Staff:
Name Qualification Designation Experience Specialization
Sonawane Vasantrao Pundlik M.A. M.Phil. Associate  Professor 30 Years Retired on 28/02/2013 Economic Geography
Prof. Patil Prakash Jagannath   M.A., M.Phil. Associate Professor 34 Years Retired on 30/09/2017 Economic Geography
Dr. Kumbhar Daulat Shenu   M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D. Associate  Professor 34 years Retired on 28/02/2017 Economic Geography
Dr. Yashavantrao Vitthal Patil M.Sc. M.Phil. Ph.D. Associate Professor and Principal 24 years (up to 2008) Now Principal at Kisan College, Parola Geomorphology
Dr. Patil Prakash Khanderao   M.Sc.,M.Phil., Ph.D., SET Head & Professor 34 Years (Since 24/07/1989) (Retirement_31/05/2024) Climatology
Dr. Nikumbh Priyanka Dipakraj   M.A., B.Ed., NET Associate Professor 15 Years (Since 24/09/2009 Population and Settlement Geography
Prof. Deore Punam Bapu  M.A., B.Ed., NET, SET Assistant Professor 9 Years NG_ 4 Years (PG & CHB – 2015-16 To 2018-19) Granted _5 Years (Permanent Since 15/07/2019) Population and Settlement Geography
Dr. Chavan  Vaijanath Kantiram M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil.,Ph.D., NET Assistant Professor 5 Years (Since 15/07/2019) General
Prof. Bachhav Manoj Gorakh   M.A., B.Ed. M.Ed. PG B.Sc. in GIS & RS Assistant Professor (NG_PG_ Contractual)  (Since 25/06/2013) CHB – 3 Years Contractual for PG Non Grant Basis _ 11 Years Geomorphology
Patil Panali Sunil M.A., M.B.A., SET Assistant Professor    (Since June 2018) 1 Year CHB 5 Years – Contractual for PG on Non Grant Basis Population and Settlement Geography
Dr. Patil Vidya Shashikant M.A. Ph.D. Assistant Professor (CHB) 5Years (2019-20 To 2023-24) Geomorphology
Patil Sushil Balvant   M.A., B.Ed.SET Assistant Professor (CHB) 4 Years (2018-19 To 2019-20 & 2022-23 To 2023-24) Geomorphology
Patil Kishor  D.   M.A., NET Assistant Professor (CHB) One and Half  Year 2018-19 and 2019-20 Applied Geography
Patil Pratibha Shantaram   M.A., B.Ed. Assistant Professor (CHB) 2 years 2017-18 & 2018-19 General
Valavi Lalsing Maktya   M.A.,SET Assistant Professor (CHB) 1 year 2018-19 Population and Settlement Geography
Pawara Mangesh M.A. Assistant Professor (CHB) 1 year 2018-19 Population and Settlement Geography
Prof Ganesh Baban Desale   M.A., NET, Dip. in Agri. Assistant Professor (CHB) 1 Year (2017-18) Population and Settlement Geography
Prof Jayashri Bhagwan Pingale   M.A., SET Assistant Professor (CHB) 1 Year (2017-18) Population and Settlement Geography
Prof. Anand Nanabhau Padmar   M.A. Assistant Professor (CHB) 1 Year (2017-18) Population and Settlement Geography
Prof. Patil Premraj Subhash M.A. NET Assistant Professor (PG Non Grant_ Contractual) 4 Years (2010-11 to 2013-14) Geomorphology
Prof. Kor Jayesh Nanabhau M.A. B.Ed. Assistant Professor (PG Non Grant_ Contractual) 4 Years (2012-13 to 2015-16)   Population and Settlement Geography
Bhamare Sarika Chintaman   M.A., B.Ed. Assistant Professor (NG_PG) [Part Time] 2 Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Population and Settlement Geography
Name of Non-Teaching Staff:
Name Qualification Designation
Mr. Pawar Kashinath Bhagvan   B.Com. Lab Assistant (Retired on 31/07/2022)
Mr. Wagh Dipak Vitthal   F.Y.B.A. Lab Attendant Experience_32 years) (Retired on 31/07/2022)
Research Activities:  Dr. P.K.Patil
No Title of the paper with page Nos. Journal,  Vol., No., Page Nos., Month and Year ISSN / ISBN No. No. of Co-authors State / National / International
1 Change Detection Analysis of Land Use / Land Cover of Aurangabad City Using Remotely Sensed Data   Peer Reviewed International Research journal of Geography Maharashtra Bhugolshastra Sanshodhan Patrika Vol. 35, No. 2,  pp. 32 – 42. [Jul – Dec 2018] Impact Factor 3.687 (IIFS) ISSN 971-6785 One International
2 Geographical Analysis of Sex ratio in Sakri Tahsil of Dhule District   ‘AJANTA’ – An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal Volume – VIII, Issue – I,  English Part –IV, pp. 126 – 140. [January – March 2019] UGC Journal No. 40776 Impact Factor/ Indexing 2018 -5.5 ISSN 2257-730 Two International
3 Analysis of Cropping Pattern in Sakri Tahsil of Dhule District, Maharashtra.   Ajanta-An International Multidisciplinary Quartely Research Journal PP 141-153 [May 2019] UGC Journal No. 40776 Impact Factor 5.5 ISSN 2257-730 Two International
4 Analysis of Changes in Crop Combination Regions in Dhule District, Maharashtra, India International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM) Volume 7, Issue 11, [2019]   ISSN: 2455-6211 One International
5 Spatio-Temporal Changes in Land Values Within Dhule City, Maharashtra   COSMOS Multidisciplinary Research E-Journal Recognized International Indexed and Peer Reviewed Journal Vol.V, Issue I, pp. 162-176 [Jan –March 2020] Impact Factor 4.94 ISSN 2456-1665   Single International
6 Sustainable Development of Trible Village Baripada, Dhule (M.S.) – A Case Study   COSMOS Multidisciplinary Research E-Journal Recognized International Indexed and Peer Reviewed Journal Vol. IV, Issue III, pp. 87-93 [July  – Sept 2020] Impact Factor 4.94   ISSN 2456-1665   Two International
7 Determination of Rainfed Crop Growing Period in Narmada Basin, India Volume 8, Issue 7 [August 2020] International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM)   ISSN: 2455-6211 Single International
8 Role of Agro-Based Industries in Socio – Economic Development in India International Journal of Advance and Applied Research (IJAAR) Vol 1 Issue 3, pp 167-169, [Sept 2021], Impact factor 7.328 ISSN 2347 -7075 One International
9 Study of Urban Growth And Landuse Change of Dhule, Maharashtra (India)   COSMOS Multidisciplinary Research E-Journal Recognized International Indexed and Peer Reviewed Journal Vol V, Issue VI, pp. 215 – 223 [Oct – Dec 2020] Impact Factor 4.94 ISSN 2456 – 1665 Two International
10 Study on Urbanization Prospective of Rural Area From Jalgaon District (MS) India International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol. 3, No.5, pp 3043-3045 [2022] ISSN: 2582-7421 Single International
11 A Geographical Analysis of Sex Ratio from North Maharashtra (Nashik Division) International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education Vol. 8, Issue 3, pp 2165-2170 [2022] ISSN (O)-2395 -4396 Single International
12 Impact of Industrialization on Environmental Condition: A Global Perspective Review   B.Aadhar’ International Peer-Reviewed Indexed Research Journal Issue No 339 (CCCXXXIV) pp 114-116 Website – [Feb. 2022] Impact Factor 8.575 ISSN:2278 – 9308 One International
13 Problem of Ground Water Depletion in Dhule District, Maharashtra (India)Pp 18-23 [2022] Aayush International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (AIIRJ) Peer Review Journal, Impact Factor 7.331 ISSN 2349 -638x   One International
14 Application of Geostatistical Technology in Change Detection Analysis of Land Cover / Land Use of Dhule City 2009-2019 Aayush International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (AIIRJ) Peer Review Journal Pp 85-92 [2022] Impact Factor 7.331 ISSN 2349 -638x   One International
15 The Significance Of Studying Changing Cropping Patterns For Agro-Based Industries In Dhule Dist. pp 449 – 456 Purana, UGC-CARE Group 1 Journal  Vol. LXV, Issue-2, No. 12, 2022 ISSN : 0555-7860   One International
16 Swatyontratar Kalat Paryavaran Sanvardhanat Mahilache Yogadan Madhyabharati, Humanities and Social Sciene Journal UGC Care Group 1 Journal Vol.83, No. 5 Jan – June 2023 ISSN: 0974-0066 One International
17 Bharatatil Berojgari – Karane va Upayayojana Pp 107-111 Vidyawarta, International Multilingual Research Journal Special Issue 2, March 2023 ISSN 2319-9318 One International
18 Optimizing Land Use For Agro-Industrial Growth In Dhule District: Challenges And Opportunities Pp 1032 – 1038 Shodhak A Journal of Historical Research Vol. 52, Issue-2 (July-September) 2023 UGC Care Group 1 Journal ISSN: 0302-9832 One International
Dr. P.D. Nikumbh
No Title of the paper with page Nos. Journal,  Vol., No., Page Nos., Month and Year ISSN / ISBN No. No. of Co-authors State / National / International
1 Analysis of Cropping Pattern in Sakri Tahsil of Dhule District, Maharashtra. PP. 141-153 Ajanta-An International Multidisciplinary Quartely Research Journal  [May 2019] UGC Journal No. 40776 Impact Factor 5.5 ISSN 2257-730 Two International
2 Problem of Ground Water Depletion in Dhule District, Maharashtra (India) pp. 18-23 Aayush International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (AIIRJ) Peer Review Journal [2022] ISSN 2349 -638x Impact Factor 7.331 One International
3 Population Pressure on Agricultural Land: Comparative Analysis Dhule District With Maharashtra pp. 83-85 Journal Of Research and Development A Multidisciplinary International Level referred and Peer reviewed Journal February 2022 Volume -13  Issue -6 ISSN 2230-9578 Impact Factor 7.265 Single International
4 Agricultural Production Reduces with increase in Rainfall variability in Dhule District , Maharashtra IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences Vol.11, Iss.11, Nov.2022 (2012 IJFANS. All Rights Reserved, UGC CARE Listed (Group -I) Journal) e-ISSN 2320 –7876   Single International
5 Dry and Wet Spell Analysis for Efficient Agricultural Practice of Dhule District, Maharashtra pp. 67-69 International Jouranal of Advance and Applied Research Volum -4 Issue-35 ISSN No 2347-7075 Imapact Factor -7.328 Single International
Prof. P.B. Deore
No Title of the paper with page Nos. Journal,  Vol., No., Page Nos., Month and Year ISSN / ISBNNo. No. of Co-authors State / National / International
1 Impact of Social Media on Tourism International Research  Fellows Association – Research Journey  Multidisciplinary International  E-Research Journal.Impact of  Social Media on Tourism ISSN 2348-714323 Feb 2020 . ISSN 2348-714323 Feb 2020 One National
2 Impact of Physical And Climatic  Factors On Settelement  Distribution of Dhule ,Maharashtra. B.Aadhar International Peer –Reviewed  Indexed Research Journal   Impact Factor-(SJIF)-8.575, Issue No,339 ISSN 2278-9308 February, 2022 Two International
3  Geographical Factors And Their Impact on Historical  Events. Multi Disciplinary  International Research Journal  Peer Reviewed December 2022 Special Issue ISSN NO2231-4342 Two National
Dr. Vaijnath Kantieam Chavan                              
No Title of the paper with page Nos. Journal,  Vol., No., Page Nos., Month and Year ISSN / ISBN No. No. of Co-authors State / National / International
1 Ahamadpur Talukyatil kupnalika jalsinchan strotancha Bhaugolik abhyas, pp 187 – 190 Current global reviewer, international multidisciplinary research journal Peer Refereed & Indexed Journal, January 2020 ISSN- 2319-86948. Two International
2 A Study of tahsilwise rural density of population in Osmanabad District, pp. 176-178 Research journey ‘ international multidisciplinary E- research journal, July 2021 Single International
3 A Study of irrigation facilities and gross cropped area in hingoli district (MS), pp. Journal of research and development A multidisciplinary international  level referred journal, pp. 176-178 July 2021 ISSN : 2230-9578. Single International
4 A Study of Human Resource Development in Hingoli District, Maharashtra India pp 433-436 Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, July 2021   ISSN : 2349-638x. Single International
5 A Study of Per Capita Net Sown Area in Hingoli District pp. 206-208 Journal Research and development -A Multidisciplinary international Level Referred Journal, September – 2021 ISSN : 2230-9578. Single International
6 A Study of Human Resource Development in Osmanabad District, Maharashtra, India pp. 61-64 B.Aadhar’ International Peer-Reviewed Indexed Research Journal, Pp. 61-64, April, 2023    ISSN : 2278-9308.   Single International
Prof. V.S. Patil
No Title of the paper with page Nos. Journal,  Vol., No., Page Nos., Month and Year ISSN / ISBNNo. No. of Co-authors State / National / International
1 Impact of Physical And Climatic Factors On Settlement  Distribution of Dhule, Maharashtra. pp. 90-95 B.Aadhar International Peer –Reviewed  Indexed Research Journal   Impact Factor-(SJIF)-8.575, Issue No,339 February,2022 ISSN 2278-9308 Two International
2 Study of relationship between population density and socio-economic development of Dhule District, Maharashtra pp.  77 to 80 International Journal of Advance and Applied Research ( IJAAR). Impact Factor : 7.328, Vol.4 Issue -35 Sept- Oct-2023 ISSN-2347-7075. One International
Prof. Panali P. Saner (Panali S. Patil)
No Title of the paper with page Nos. Journal,  Vol., No., Page Nos., Month and Year ISSN / ISBNNo. No. of Co-authors State / National / International
1 Navigating the tourist landscape : Strategies for sustainable tourism development in Jalgaon . Karmveer Bhaurao Patil Mahavidyalaya , Pandharpur Volume – 57 No.1 ( III ) Month – 1st 2nd December Year – 2023 ISSN : 0025 -0422 02 International
2 New tourist center and their site suitability : A case study of Jalgaon , District Maharashtra. International conference on Innovations in Engineering , Science & Technology . ICIEST Month – 24th November Year – 2023 ISBN : 978-93-91535-96-4 02 International
Books / Chapter in Edited Book published as an author (2018-19 To 2022-23)    Dr. P.K. Patil  
Sr. No Title of the Book Name of the Publisher with address Month  and Year ISBN No of Co-authors State / National / International
01 Physical Geography (Lithosphere Part-II) F.Y.B.Sc Paper II: GG -201 Sem II   North Massage Publication Pvt. Ltd. Pune Nov. 2018 ISBN – 978-93-86354-62-4     One State
02 Physical Geography (Hydrosphere ) F.Y.B.Sc Paper II: GG-202 Sem II North Massage Publication Pvt. Ltd. Pune Nov. 2018 ISBN – 978-93-86354-63-1     One State
Punam B. Deore
Sr. No Title of the Book Name of the Publisher with address Month  and Year ISBN No of Co-authors State / National / International
01 Morphology of Landscape (Lithosphere Part-I) F.Y.B.ScPaper I: GG -102 Sem I Nirali Prakashan, Pune June. 2022 ISBN- 978-93-5451-     3 State
Staff Participation in Workshop /Conference / Seminar, etc. (2018-19 To 2022-23) Dr. P.K. Patil  
Sr. No. Conf./Sem./ Symp./ Workshop Title / Theme Level Place Date/Period/ Duration
1 Conference XIII DGSI International Geography Conference on Sustainable Rural Development –Geospatial Solutions Paper presented in Conference entitled 1) “Study of Efforts Made For Sustainable Development of Trible Village Baripada, Dhule (M.S.) – A Case Study” 2) Study of Urban Growth and Changing Landuse Scenario of Dhule City, Maharashtra” International Dept. Of Geography and Geoinformatics, Bangalore University, Bengaluru (Karnataka)   20/09/2018 to 22/09/2018
2 Conference Maharashtra Bhugolshastra Parishad – International Conference Paper presented in Conference entitled 1)      “Geographical Analysis of Sex ratio in Sakri Tahsil of Dhule District” 2)      Analysis  of Cropping Pattern in Sakri Tahsil of Dhule District, Maharashtra. International K.V.P.S’s Arts, Commerce and Science College, Shirpur   21/01/2019 to 22/01/2019
3 Workshop S.Y.B.A. Geography Syllabus Restructuring Workshop University Arts, Commerce and Science College, Bhadgaon 23/02/2019
4 Workshop One Day Workshop on GPS Survey Traing University SPDM College, Shirpur 22/07/2019
5 Workshop   M.A. / M.Sc. I Geography Syllabi Reframing Workshop (Online) (Presented Course entitled Gg – 203 Remote Sensing) [Chairman of Course Committee] University Organized by GTP College, Nandurbar 11/05/2021
6 Workshop F.Y.B.Sc. Geography Syllabi Restructuring Workshop (Gg 103 Practical Geography –Cartographic Techniques) [Chairman of Course Committee] University Kisan College, Parola 23/12/2021
7 Workshop F.Y.B.A. Geography Syllabi Restructuring Workshop (Online) University Organized by Dhanadai College, Amalner 21/01/2022
8 Workshop M.A./M.Sc. II Geography Syllabus Restructuring Workshop (Coordinator of Workshop) Univesity Organized by JET’s Zulal Bhilajirao Patil College, Dhule 01/03/2024
Dr. P.D. Nikumbh
Sr. No. Conf./Sem./ Symp./ Workshop Title / Theme Level Place Date/Period/ Duration
1 E-Conference International E- Conference on Ecology, Economy, Emerging Teachnology and People for Sustainable LivelihoodIn SAARC Countries Paper presented in the conference entitled “Impact of Fluctuation Of Rainfall on Production of Rainfed crops, Dhule District, Maharashtra” International University of Swabo, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan and Rashtrapita Mahatama Gandhi Mahavidyalay. Khed 28th  January 2021
2 MSFDA Rational Thinking Cell State KBC NMU Jalgaon 2 to 4- 10-22
3 Workshop M.A./M.Sc. II Geography Syllabus Restructuring Workshop [Chairman of Course Committee] Univesity Organized by JET’s Zulal Bhilajirao Patil College, Dhule 01/03/2024
Dr. P.B.Deore.
Sr. No. Conf./Sem./ Symp./ Workshop Title / Theme Level Place Date/Period/ Duration
1 Conference Multidisciplinary International E-Conference on Natural Science  and Environmental  Awareness towards  Sustainable Development  20 th October 2023 Paper presented in Conference entitled- Forest –Agriculture And Environmental Protection  As Path to Sustainable Development: International Abhay  Yuva Kalyan Kendra,s Arts Mahila mahavidyalay (Online) 20th October 2023
2 Workshop M.A./M.Sc. II Geography Syllabus Restructuring Workshop [Member of Course Committee] Univesity Organized by JET’s Zulal Bhilajirao Patil College, Dhule 01/03/2024
Dr.V.K. Chavan
Sr. No. Conf./Sem./ Symp./ Workshop Title / Theme Level Place Date/Period/ Duration
1 Workshop Restructured Syllabusof S.Y.B.A./B.Sc. Geography University ADMSPS’s Late Annasaheb R.D.Deore, Artsand Science 29/07/2019
2 Conference ‘ Water Resource Mangement for Sustainable Development ‘ Paper presented in Conference entitled : Ahamadpur Talukyatil kupnalika jalsinchan strotancha Bhaugolik abhyas. National Shankarrao Chavan Mahavidyalay a,Ardhapur, Dist.Nanded (MS) 28/12/2019
3 Conference “Introspection Prognosis and Strategy For Global Water Resources” Paper presented in Conference entitled: A Study of tahsilwise rural density of population in Osmanabad District National Sameer Gandhi Mahavidyalay a,Malshiras (MS,India 07/01/2020
4 Conference Impact of covid -19 on higher education National G.T. Patil college Nandurbar 28/01/2020
5 Workshop Vidyapithstariy NiyatkalikaAnk Sampadak mandal University KBCNMU, Jalgaon Vidyarthi Vikas Mandal And JET’s Z. B. Patil College, Dhule (MS) 04/02/2020
6 Seminar Impact of Enviromental Degradation on Society : Cause Effect and Remedies. Paper presented in Conference entitled: A Geographical Analysis of Utilization of Improved Seeds in Hingoli District. National Late Ramesh warpudkar ACS College, Sonpeth, District. Parbhani and Vasundhara College, Ghatnandur District. Beed 22 /02/2020
7 Conference Sustainable Development& Environmentin TheCurrentEra National SSES Amravati’s Dhanwate National College, Nagpur 27 /04/2020
8 Workshop   National education policy 2020 implementation plan National Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded 26 ,27 /09/2020
9 Seminar Impact of Covid-19 on Conservation Biodiversity Environment and Water Resources National M.G. Arts Science and Late N. P Commerce College, Armori, Dist. Gadchiroli 03/10/ 2020
10 Conference Climate Change , Disasters and Sustainable Livelihood. Paper presented in Conference entitled : A Study of Irrigation Facilities and Gross Cropped Area in Parbhani District (M.S). International The Deccan Geographical Society, India Department of Geography University of Allahabad Prayagraj 26 – 28 /11/2020  
11 Conference Global of Local Sustainability and Future Earth “ Paper presented in Conference entitled : Spatio Temporal Analysis of Crop Diversification in Parbhani District A Geographical Study. International Geographical Union Department of Geography Faculty of Earth Science MohanlalSukhadia University, Udaipur 18 – 20 /12/ 2020  
12 Conference Geomorphology for Human Adaptation to Changing Enviroment . Paper presented in Conference entitled : Influence of Geomorphology on Population Density: A Case Study of GangakhedTahsil in Parbhani District, Maharashtra ,India. International The Indian Institute of Geomorphologists department of geography, west Bengal state university 21 to 23 /01/2021  
13 Seminar Role of Earth Science in Nature and Human Interaction National Shankarrao Chavan Mahavidhyalaya Ardhapur 23 /01/2021  
14 Workshop Enhance communication skills for environmental and sustainable development. International Society for environment and sustainable development new Delhi, India 27,28/02/2021
15 Conference Recent Trends in Social Science International Kankavli College Kankavli 18 /04/ 2021
16 Conference Impact of Environment on Agriculture , Helth , Water Resources , Social Life & Industrial Development. Paper presented in Conference entitled : A Study of irrigation facilities and gross cropped area in hingoli district (MS. International Maharashtra Mahavidyalaya, Nilanga and Maharashtra College of Pharmacy, Nilanga and Azad Mahavidyalaya, Ausa   20 /07/ 2021      
17 Conference Natural Resources and Sustainable Development. Paper presented in Conference entitled : A Study of Human Resource Development in Hingoli District, Maharashtra India. International RajarshiShahu Arts and Commerce College, Rukadi 29/07/2021
18 Workshop How to fill new API format of UGC National Sitabai Arts, Commerce and Science College 25/08/2021
19 Conference Resource Managment and  Agricultural Development. Paper presented in Conference entitled : A Study of Per Capita Net Sown Area in Hingoli District Internationa Sambhaji College, Murud 09/07/2021
20 Conference Environment, Population & Sustainable Development. Paper presented in Conference entitled: “ A Geographical Study of Ground water Distribution in Parbhani District Maharashtra India. Internationa The Deccan Geographical Society, India , Centre for Geographical Studies Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna 10 to 12 /09/2021
21 Workshop F.Y.B.Sc. Geography Syllabi Restructuring Workshop (Gg 103 Practical Geography –Cartographic Techniques) [Chairman of Course Committee] University Kisan College, Parola 23/12/2021
22 Workshop Bhugol shastratil Savshodhan Padhati University K.C.E. Society Mulji Jetha Mahavidyalaya Jalgaon 31/12/2021
23 Conference Jal Aj Aur Kal National Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University Raja Bhoj Marg (Kolar Road) Bhopal 23/03/2022
24 Conference Impact of Meteorological Changes on Forest and Water Resources in India State Shri S.H. Kelkar College of Arts, Commerce and Science Devgad .Sindhudurg 21-23/03/ 2022
25 Workshop Bhugol shastratil Savshodhan Padhati University K.C.E. Society MuljiJethaMahavidyalayaJalgaon 31/12/2021
26 Workshop Career Opportunities in Geography National ShriKumarswamiMahavidyalayaAusa, Dist. Latur 12/01/2022
27 Workshop F.Y.B.A. Geography Syllabi Restructuring Workshop (Online) University Organized by Dhanadai College, Amalner 21/01/2022
28 Workshop Digital Image Processing International Devrukh Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Nya. Tatyasaheb Athalye Arts, Ved. S.R. Sapre Commerce and Vid. Dadasaheb Pitre Science College, Devrukh (Dist. Ratnagiri) 10  to 28 /01/ 2023
29 Workshop M.A./M.Sc. II Geography Syllabus Restructuring Workshop [Member of Course Committee] Univesity Organized by JET’s Zulal Bhilajirao Patil College, Dhule 01/03/2024
30 Conference “ The Horizon of Post Covid Tourism Sectors  : Trends , Potential , Opportunities and Challenges “ Paper presented in Conference entitled: A Study of Human Resource Development inOsmanabad District, Maharashtra, India International Konkan Gyanpeeth Uran College of Commerce and Arts, Uran Raigad, 29/04/2023
Prof. Panali S. Patil (Panali P. Saner)
Sr. No. Conf./Sem/Symp./ Workshop Title / Theme Level Place Date/Period/Duration
1 Conference 45th Indian Geography Congress National Association of Geographers , India ( NAGI ) International Savitribai Phule Pune University ( SPPU ), Pune 14th – 16th December 2023
Lectures Delivered in Different Strata of Society Dr. P.K. Patil
Sr. No. Topic / Subject Place Date Level Remarks
1 Population Explosion – Causes and Effects (Bhugol Mandal Inauguration) S.S.V.P.S’s Arts and Commerce College, Dhule 25th July 2019 Local  
2 Environment Conservation – Need of Hour (On thew Occasion of Geography Day) S.S.V.P.S’s Arts and Commerce College, Dhule 14th January 2022 Local  
For StudentsDepartment of Geography_University Rank Holders
Sr. No. Name of the Student Degree Year of Passing University Rank / Recognizable Achievement Remarks
1 Patil Nilima Pralhad B.A. April 2020 Third in University Merit List and First in College in Arts Faculty  
2 Bhadane Nilima Chatur M.A. Geography April 2023 First in University Merit List (Gold Medal  
Ph.D. Awarded Students
Sr. No. Name of the Student Year of Passing Guide
1 Mishra Ravi Rajesh 22 March 2018 Dr. D.S. Kumbhar
2 Konka Prakash Rajesham 31 March 2018 Dr. P.K. Patil
3 Sadashiv Shriram Suryawanshi 30 June 2020 Dr. P.K. Patil
4 Priyanka Dipakraj Nikumbh 11 February 2021 Dr. D.S. Kumbhar
5 Rupesh Ramesh Deore 24 July 2021 Dr. D.S. Kumbhar
6 Purushottam Gangurde 21 January 2022 Dr. D.S. Kumbhar
7 Jayesh N. Kor 03 February 2023 Dr. D.S. Kumbhar & Dr. S.B. Patil
For Staff–  SET /NET/GATE/Ph.D. etc.
Name of the Faculty SET / NET / GATE /Ph.D., etc Year of Passing Remarks
Dr. Prakash Khanderao Patil   Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor 7th September 2022. Permanent Faculty
Dr. Priyanka Dipakraj Nikumbh Ph.D. 11 February 2021 Permanent Faculty
Dr. Priyanka Dipakraj Nikumbh Promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor 26th June 2023 Permanent Faculty
Prof. Patil Panali Sunil SET June 2023 Contractual Faculty for PG on Non Grant Basis
Prof. Patil Sushil Balvant SET June 2019 CHB Faculty
Awards received by faculty (if any):
Name of the Faculty Award Year Remarks
Prof. Punam Bapu Deore Best Teacher Award (State Level)     2023-24 Award given by Natural Human Rights Protection Council Forum     (Govt. of India)
Dr. Vaijanath Kantiram Chavan Best Teacher Award (State Level)     2023-24 Award given by Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Shikshak Parishad
Faculty participation in FDP/RC/OC (2018-19 To 2022-23) Dr. P.K. Patil  
Sr. No. OC / RC / FDP Title / Theme Level Place Date/Period/ Duration
1 FDP (Online) Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme on “Managing Online Classes and Co-creating MOOCs” National Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi. 20th April to 6th May 2020
2 FDP (Online) ICT Skill Enhancement For Teacher College Z.B.Patil College, Dhule 11 May -17 May 2020
3 Short Term Course (Online) Basics of SAR Remote Sensing National Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun 26th To 30th May 2020
Dr. P.D. Nikumbh
Sr. No. OC / RC / FDP Title / Theme Level Place Date/Period/ Duration
1 Refresher  course Environment Science National Aurangabad University 03 Oct.2019 To 13 Oct 2019
2 Faculty development programme Managing online classes &co creating MOOCs National Ramanujan College, University of Delhi. 18 May 2020 To 03 June 2020
3 Faculty development programme   NAAc Assessment and accreditation National IQAC of Shri Shivaji college, Parabhani 21 May 2020 To 26 May 2020
4 Faculty development programme  Modern Teaching Evaluation and research methods National Vinayakarao Patil Mahavidyalay, Vaijapur 2 June 2020 To 7 June 2020
5 Faculty development programme “Advanced Concepts for Developing MOOCS” National Ramanujan College, University of Delhi. 2 July 2020 To 17 July 2020
6 Refresher Course Research methodology: Tools and Techniques” National UGC HRDC Mizoram University 7 July 2020 to  To 20 July 2020
7 Refresher  course in Geography Geography National UGC HRDC Jawaharlal Nehru University 18 October 2021 To 1st November 2021
  Prof. P.B. Deore  
Sr. No. OC / RC / FDP Title / Theme Level Place Date/Period/ Duration
1 FDP Managing Stress, Teaching &Learning During period of Social Distancing International Dhaka international University, Bangladesh & Knowledge Café Banglore 9May 2020
2 FDP ICT Tools for Effective Teaching learning State Swami Ramanand Tirth Marathwada University, Nanded 11May -16May 2020
3 FDP (Online) ICT Skill Enhancement For Teacher College Z.B.Patil College,Dhule 11 May -17 May 2020
4 FDP NAAC Assessment & Accreditation University Sri Shivaji College, Parbhani.     (Under UGC Paramarsh) 21May -26 May2020
5 FDP Evolution From Offline to Online Teaching University University of Mumbai 30 May 3June 2020
6 Orientation Course Faculty Induction Programme National Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, Univ. Delhi. 4June -1 July2020
7 FDP (Online) Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme on “Managing Online Classes and Co-creating MOOCs” National Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi. 2 July -17 July 2020
8 FDP ICT in Teaching & Learning University Sri.Shivaji College,  Parbhani (Under UGC Paramarsh ) 13 July -18 July 2020
9   Certificate Course Basic to Advanced  GIS Basic to Advanced  GIS – Remote  Sensing  & Its Application 28th August 2021 to 21st December 2021   Integrated Institute for Advanced  Research  and Information (IIARI)  Kolkata   28th August 2021 to 21st December 2021
10 Refresher Course Geography ,Geographers And Geospatial Technologies: Impacting Physical, Social & Gendered Spaces 2021 National Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi. 22 Nov -06 Dec 2021.
Dr. V.K. Chavan
Sr. No. OC / RC / FDP Title / Theme Level Place Date/Period/ Duration
1 Orientation program Teaching learning University Teaching learning Ramanujan College University of Delhi 11 January, 2021 to 09 February, 2021
2 Refresher Course Research Methodology University Teaching learning Ramanujan College University of Delhi, Sameer Gandhi Kala Mahavidyalaya, Malshiras Solapur, Maharashtra 20 February – 06 March 2022
3 Refresher Course Recent Trends in Geography University Teaching learning Ramanujan College University of Delhi, in collaboration with Gramin ( ACS) Mahavidyalaya Vasantnagar ( kotgyal) , Tal. Mukhed, Dist. Nanded and Sambhaji College (ACS), Murud, Dist. Latur 26 June – 10 July 2022  
4 FDP (Online) ICT Tools for Effective Teaching Learning National Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded 11 May- 16 May 2020
5 FDP (Online) ICT Skill Enhancement For Teacher College Z.B.Patil College, Dhule 11 May -17 May 2020
6 FDP (Online) Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme on “Managing Online Classes and Co-creating MOOCs” National Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi. 18 May- 03 June 2020
IIRS ONLINE COURSES: – 2019 -20 to 2022-23
Sr. No Course Place Title Date Duration
1 IIRS Government of India department of space Indian space research organisation Indian Institute of remote sensing Dehradun Geographical information system 28/09 /2020 to 15/10/2020 18 Hours  
2 IIRS Government of India department of space Indian space research organisation Indian Institute of remote sensing Dehradun RS & GIS Application 02/11/ 2020 to 20/11/2020 16 Hours 30 Minutes  
3 IIRS Government of India department of space Indian space research organisation Indian Institute of remote sensing Dehradun Advance in sar- polarimetry& interferometry 14/12 /2020 to 18/12 /2020 07    ours

Results: (Last five years Final Years Students B. A/B. Com/B.Sc./M.A./M. Com/M.Sc. etc):

B.A. Geography

Sr. No.Particulars2022-232021-222020-212019-202018-19
1No. Students Registered2034283831
2No. of Students Appeared1533283831
3No. of Students Absent0501000000
4No. of Students in Reserved0101000000
5No. of Students Passed1031283830
6No. of Students Distinction0421262321
7No. of Students First Class0509021208
8No. of Students Second Class010100301
9No. of Students Pass Class0000000000
10No. of Students Failed0501000001
11Percentage of Passing66.796.3710010096.77

M.A./M.Sc. Geography

Sr. No.Particulars2022-232021-222020-212019-202018-19
1No. Students Registered1616182011
2No. of Students Appeared1416172007
3No. of Students Absent02NilNilNil04
4No. of Students in ReservedNilNilNilNilNil
5No. of Students Passed11161719Nil
6No. of Students Distinction0303060301
7No. of Students First Class0604101306
8No. of Students Second Class02NilNil03Nil
9No. of Students Pass ClassNilNilNilNilNil
10No. of Students Failed03NilNil01Nil
11Percentage of Passing78.5710010095100

Laboratories: (For Science /Arts-English Language lab): 

Details of Laboratories: DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY

There are three well equipped laboratories with all necessary facilities.

1) Laboratory1 (313 A)                         : UG Lab – Size: 8.80m x 6.00m s

2) Laboratory 2 (313 B)                         : PG Lab – Size: 5.80m x 5.00m

3) Laboratory3 (313 C)                         : Computer Lab – Size: 5.80m x 3.00m

4) Reception Counter                            : Size: 5.00m x 3.00m

5) Survey Lab & Deptt. Library          : Size: 4.00m x 3.00m

6) Staff Room                             : Size: 6.00m x 3.00m.

Equipments, Apparatus, and Maps Available for Teaching and  Research

  1. Equipments and Apparatus
Sr. No.ItemQuantity
2LCD Set01
5Plane Table Sets09
6Dumpy Level02
7Prismatic Compass10
9Measuring Tape05
10Indian Clinometers05
11Land Measuring Chains04
12Scientific Calculators05
13Tracing Table01
14Magellan’s Explorists -Hand Held-GPS01
15Pocket Stereoscope (BSW)06
16Aerial Photographs (colour)03
17Aerial Photographs (Black & White)03
18Mirror Stereoscope05
19Dial for Prismatic (Compass)06
20Godrej six drawer cabinet01

Maps and Toposheet: Maps

Sr. No.Name and Description of MapsQuantity
01World Political01
02Asia Political01
03World Physical01
04Asia Physical01
05Asia- Southeast Political01
07India and Adjacent Countries01
08India Road Map01
09India Physical01
10India Eastern Side01
11India Northern Side01
12India Southern Side01
13India Central Side01
14India Mineral01
15Asia Population01
16Asia Set (Political, Physical, Climate, Natural Vegetation, Density of Population)01
17North America –Physical01
18Nystroms Three dimensional World Map01
19World and Asia Roll up Classroom Out line Map01
20Map of Maharashtra State Political and physical02
21Map of Maharashtra Roll up Outline Map02
22Inflatable Global political01
233D Raised Relief political Map of India01
243D Raised Relief Map of Maharashtra01
25Weather Map of India (Pvc)01
26India Political (Laminated)01
27India Physical (Laminated)01
28World Political (Laminated)01
29World Physical (Laminated)01
30Africa Political (Laminated)01
31Africa Physical (Laminated)01
32Maharashtra Political (Laminated)01
33Maharashtra Physical (Laminated)01
34Political Map of India01
35Weather Maps(Season-wise)04
36Changing Nature of Earth15
37District Planning Maps- Jalgaon, Nasik, Dhule, Aurangabad04
38Weather Map – Symbols- laminated01
39Charts (Full Set ) Man and Envt.13
40Charts (Full Set ) Natural Regions09
41Three Dimensional Map – Asia Physical (with frame).01
42Three Dimensional Map – Africa physical (with frame).01
43Three Dimensional Map – Australia physical (with frame).01
44Three Dimensional Map – North America (with frame).01
45Three Dimensional Map – South America (with frame).01
46Three Dimensional Map – Europe Physical (with frame).01
47Geographers Photographs08


Sr. No.Name and Description of ToposheetsQuantity
14460, 46K, 46P15
1546P/3,4,5,6,7,10,11,13,14 (Two each)18
1735b/7,45F/3, 56D/11,  63 G15, 63K/12, 45F/3, 64P/13(Three each)21
1846k/1,2,5,6,9,10,11,14,15,16 (One each)10
1946G/14,15,16 (One each)03
2045D/5,7,10;  46K/15; 46L/9,13; 46P/1; 46K9
2145D/5 (20 copies), 45D/7(20), 45D/10(20), 46K/15, (20), 46L/9,13, 46P/1, 78A/7, 11, 46K, 46L87
Student Progression (Last Five Years): DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY Student progression to higher education List of Students _ Admission to PG (2018-19 To 2022-23)
Year 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Total Students Appeared for Exam in previous academic year 37 31   37 28 33
Total Students passed in the year 37 30 37 28 31
No. of students enrolled for higher education 18 18 19 12 11
Percentage of Students Enrolled for Higher Education: 45 60 51.35 42.85 35.5
Student Participation (In any Extension activities/Curricular enrichment):
Name of the activity Name of the scheme Date / Year of the activity Number of students participated in such activities
Guest Lecture (Online) of Dr. Shailesh Wagh on the topic “Indian Population- Problems, Opportunities and Measures” on the occasion of Population Day 11 July 2022 Social Awarness 28-07-2022 40
Poster Exhibition on the Occasion of Ozone Day Environment Awarness 16-09-2022 30
Guest Lecture of Dr. Sunil Gorane on the topic “Carrier in the field of Geography” Employment Issue 14-01-2023 40
Socio Socio-economic  Survey of village Lamkani, Tal. Dhule Social Awarness 01-03-2023 64
Workshop on “Impact of Global Warming on Atmosphere- Awareness” held on 13/02/2019 Environment Awareness 13/02/2019 80
Solar Eclipse and Superstitions (Geography Club and ANIS, Dhule) Eradication of Superstitions   115
  University Committees: (Management Council / BOS/Senate etc) Dr. Patil Prakash  Khanderao was nominated as a Member of BOS in Geography by KBCNMU, Jalgaon Authorities  on 05/08/2021 (Up to 2022)   Certificate courses: (Give details) Since academic year 2020-21, the department is conducting Certificate Course in Data Analysis and Cartographic Techniques. Intake Capacity of certificate course is 20.   Academic Calendar: Every Year the department prepare and follow the academic calendar Department of Geography Academic Calendar – 2022-23
Sr. No. Event Date or Duration Activity
1 Departmental Meeting June Distribution of Workload, Discussion on Departmental Activities
2 Population Day (11 July) July 2022 Organize Guest Lecture on the occasion of population day
3 Welcome Function 2nd week,  August 2022 Welcome to S.Y.B.A. Students  
4 Ozone Day 16 September 2022 Organize Poster Exhibition For Geography Special Students.
5 Examination October Internal Test Examination (First Term)
6 Geography Day 14 January 2023 Competitive Examination (MCQ) will be organized on Geography Knowledge for All Students Guest Lecture will be organized
7 Geography Day 2nd week, January 2023 Organize Guest Lecture
8 Study Tour 2nd or 3rd week January 2023 Organize study tour for UG and PG students
9 Village Survey March, 2023 Socioeconomic Survey of Nearby Village will be conducted for Geography Students
10 Examination March, 2023 Internal Test Examination (Second Term)
11 One Day Study Tour March, 2023 One Day Study Tour will be organized at Geography Interested Place for Students.
12 Prize distribution & Farewell 2nd week April 2023 Prize distribution & Farewell to T.Y.B.A. Students
13 Farewell 3rd week May, 2023 Farewell to M.A./M.Sc. Second Year Students
Best Practices of the Department : In order to aware students about condition of villagers, every year the department conduct socio-economic survey of one or two villages. We also organize study tours for field observation and at geographically interested places.   Number of Books /Journals of the subject: Text, Reference Books and Geography Research Journals are available in Central Library. Additional Information other than above points you think, must be published on the Website.   Additional Information
  • The department had organized University Level workshop on ‘Global Warming’ on 13th February 2019. Total 80 students of different colleges were participated in the workshop. Inauguration by: Hon. Sudhir S. Patil, Chairman, CDC. Guests: Dr. Shaikh, Dr. S.C. Gorane, Dr. P.D. Patil, Dr. M.S. Pawar. Concluding Session President: Prin. Dr. P. H. Pawar.
  • The department had organized M.A./M.Sc. II Geography Syllabi Restructuring workshop in association with KBCNMU, Jalgaon on 1st March 2024. More than 50 Teachers from different colleges affiliated to KBCNMU, Jalgaon were participated in the workshop.
  • Details of recognized Research Guide in the Concerned Subject:
Sr. No. NameofResearchGuide Qualification Approval No. Broad area of Research No.of M.Phil. /Ph.D.Candidates Supervised
01  Dr. Prakash Khanderao Patil  M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. (SET) NMU/ 11/PGR/ Geog/909 Dated  7th May 2015 Climatology, Population and Settlement Geography, Agricultural Geography M.Phil.: 02 (Degree Awarded) Ph.D. : 02 (Degree Awarded) Ph.D. : 02 (Work in Progress)
02 Dr. Priyanka Dipakraj Nikumbh M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D. NET KBCNMU/11/Ph.D./1452/2023 Dated 22/08/2022 Population and Settlement Geography, Agricultural Geography M.Phil.: Nil Ph.D. : Nil  
03 Dr. Vaijnath Kantiram Chavan M.A.,B.Ed.,  M.Phil., Ph.D. KBCNMU/11/Ph.D./286/2022 Dated 03/08/2022 Agricultural Geography, Population Geography, M.Phil.: Nil Ph.D. : Nil  
  • Dr. P.K.Patil worked as a Member of College Development Committee (CDC) for five years.
  • Dr. P.K. Patil worked as a Director, Jai-Hind Karmachari Patpedhi, Dhule for five years.
  • Dr. P.K. Patil is working as Executive Director, Mahatma Gandhi Philosophy Centre, Dhule since 1st July 2020.
  • Punam Bapu Deore working as NCC (Girls) Officer.
  • Dr. Priyanka D. Nikumbh working as NSS Assistant Program Officer.

Department of Geography Gallery