Chairman's Desk

It’s my pleasure to welcome and introduce you to Jaihind Educational trust’s Zulal Bhilajirao Patil College, Dhule. The College imparts quality education in Arts, Science and Commerce faculty since its inception in 1982. Everything starts with a strong foundation.

The founder of the Institute Adv. Zulal Bhilajirao Patil the visionary, freedom fighter, educationist always inspires and encourages all of us and promotes to work for the betterment of society. Legacy which has left behind for the worthy of our students and future generations, motivates us to work together and creates work culture on the campus. We try to live up to the legacy. 

Core values of the institute have created its own brand known as ‘Jai Hind Brand’.
The Concern for improvement of education has always been at the top of India’s development agenda since independence. We always try to follow the recommendations given by various National Education Commissions to increase access to and participation in education and improve quality education.

We try to provide educational opportunities to all segments of society. We try to inculcate values like morality, equanimity, sympathy, compassion, aesthetic sense, truth, non-violence, spiritual development, noble embellishment, development of humanity, broad mindedness, honesty, devotion, respect, cooperation, integrity, democratic sense, equality and universal welfare to lead them towards a comprehensive development. We equip our students with study skills, life skills, soft skills to make them confident, responsible citizens of the country and the globe.

We always try to nurture students and provide them academic and inspiring ambience to groom their personality. We enable them to adopt to the changing ever globalizing traditions of acceptance of diversity of India’s heritage culture and history and promote social cohesion and religious amity, this helps to create an affectionate bond and rapport between teaching, non-teaching staff and students. We believe in smart work. Excellence in academics, extra curricular, cultural, sports activities of students always add feather in our cap.

We have highly qualified and dedicated staff, well equipped laboratories, rich library which facilitate teaching-learning process. We provide amenities like Internet facilities, auditorium, Gymnasium, Swimming Pool, Bank Counter, ATM Center, Well equipped ladies hostel.
I appeal all stake holders to be with us in our human and collective endeavor to serve humanity.
Thank You !   

Shri. Vijay Pitambar Patil

(B.Sc., M.L.W. and I.R.)
